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Don't believe everything you hear...

While Karl Rove deserves to be nailed to the fence, I got overly excited by the story Truthout ran last week. They were quite certain that he had been indicted. This is on their site now, however:

On Saturday afternoon, May 13, 2006, TruthOut ran a story titled, "Karl Rove Indicted on Charges of Perjury, Lying to Investigators." The story stated in part that top Bush aide Karl Rove had earlier that day been indicted on the charges set forth in the story's title.

The time has now come, however, to issue a partial apology to our readership for this story. While we paid very careful attention to the sourcing on this story, we erred in getting too far out in front of the news-cycle. In moving as quickly as we did, we caused more confusion than clarity. And that was a disservice to our readership and we regret it.

As such, we will be taking the wait-and-see approach for the time being. We will keep you posted.

Marc Ash, Executive Director - t r u t h o u t



Slow motion vid of kids screaming. Very, very odd.

Click here.


Lindy Hop Hip Hop mash up

This is a riot. Dig the polite crowd.

Lindy (Hip) Hop

New sign

I've moved beyond simple numbered signs. I now make signs with cut out letters. This one is for a creative firm in NYC named...YARD. I love this sign.

This is the first one I made. It's stainless, backed with a green glass plate. It was for a home in Miami - they named their house "the art of doing nothing."

I need to name my house.


Lonely boy

I've been feeling kind of lonely lately. 45. Single. You understand.

So I can't help but think it is perfect kizmet that I just got this email:

Hello my dear friend
I was looking through the aweb few weeks ago and fbound
your profile. Naowb I decided to email you to get to know
you betterb. I am coming to your country in few weeks
and thought may be we can meet each othebr. I am pretty
looking girl. I am 25. Do not reply to thibs address
directly. Email meb back at fsb@datetodayy.com

Aside from the speech impediment, she sounds like a winner. I'll let you know how it all goes.


Hot Karl

I promise not to beat this to death - I could easily dwell on it. But I won't.

Suffice to say Karl Rove deserves every single thing he's about to get. Humiliation. Exposure. Public pantsing. Nothing is too good for him.

It will be fun and sad to watch, all at the same time. But remember: GWB is the President. The Decider. And Karl Rove is his right hand man, and he is going to take the next hot poker up the bum.

Just back

I just returned from a trip to CA. Flew 300VV to the Bay on Wednesday, and had a birthday dinner with Leslie. (Her birthday.) Thursday I went on to Santa Ynez to visit friends of the family - Dick and June knew my grandparents and my father from the year I was born. They are family to me now.

Had a perfect weather trip. Still learning about the airplane, but settling in to it well. Getting from Santa Ynez to Seattle with one fuel stop in under four hours is just magic.

Here are a few pictures of sights along the way.

This is the Mt. Hamilton observatory, in the mountains just south and east of the bay area. I used to go up here way back when and take photos. It's a quiet and mystical place. (Except when airplanes fly low by it, of course.)
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Flying from Hayward to Santa Ynez, I suddenly started getting bug splats. Many, many bug splats. Left side: after I cleaned. Right side: the bug's legacy.
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This is the Christensen's dog Paco. 115 pounds of pure Lab love. He sits like this, his paws just touching the water. This is a great dog.
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Created in His image.
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I can't get enough of this mountain - flying back Mt. St. Helens was right in my path. The bulge in the middle is growing upward a couple dozen feet every week. It's going to get interesting...
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