
More photos from the "firing bullets through beautiful things" category. This is a rose dipped in liquid nitrogen, penetrated by a .22. The flikr site for this has some other great stuff: http://www.flickr.com/photos/luminea/tags/strobelab/



Red and I go walking every morning. Sometimes half an hour, sometimes an hour and a half. Red gets her fix, and she leaves me alone the rest of the day. (If I don't get her out for a walk, she follows me to every room and watches me, all day long.)

These walks have given me a much closer view of my neighbors. West Seattle is an old blue collar corner that has given way to becoming a suburban neighborhood of Seattle proper. It's gotten downright expensive in places.

These two pics are from an older time. Though I shot them today. The Smith and Wesson guy is three doors down from two brand-new Northwest Modern (river rock and exposed beam sort of architecture) homes that must have gone for $850k to $1.2 mil. But he's holding out, moss growing on his DirecTV dish, metal blinds in the windows broken and bent, filthy with his exhalations.

The truck losing the battle to the blackberries - not much to say here. Entropy lurks in every undisturbed place.

The meek shall maybe inherit the earth. But in the mean time, the earth patiently swallows the weak.
click pic

It's should be a red flag when when your insurance costs more than your vehicle is worth. (I don't care which model S&W he owns - it's worth more that the rig.)
click pic


I've Been Had

Gullible. That's what I am.


Very sadly. It was giving me a weird charge, a feeling of control. That hope was out there. At least for a very entertaining race.

Can you believe we have three more years of this administration? You'd think it couldn't get more stupid or ugly. But I think they're just warming up.


Walken to the White House

I love this.
Christopher Walken is ... running for President.

(The headline links to his campaign page.)