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When dogs finally take over the world... http://www.worth1000.com/cache/contest
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I'm just back from Louisville. There is a LOT in Louisville to love. I don't know where Bikini Bull Riding fits in to the hierarchy, but it's there if you want it.
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Changing Times

I know this country is changing around me. But I don't know it, really, until I travel.

I'm in Louisville, KY.

I flew through Atlanta yesterday. On the flight I sat next to a very nice little girl, probably 10 or 11, and her petite and lovely mother. The mother pulled out a cell phone, and I noticed something glittering on the end of the antenna. It was pink.

I focused a bit and it turned out to be a rhinestone crucifix. Atop her cell phone antenna.

Two trips to the bathroom showed three people reading bibles, one with her 'study guide'.

The music in the Atlanta airport was a screechy, Celine Dion-esque Christian ilk.

I am further from my countrymen than I ever knew.