
Entropy Wife

Flew to Ephrata today. (Just because, okay?)

We happened upon a glider competition there, which I guarantee will never be an ESPN event.

This PBY was there, slowly being beaten down by gravity and radiation from the sun. But it's beautiful just sittin' there. We then went on to Chelan, where I found my Jeep still sitting patiently at the airport, waiting for me to visit and use her. Battery's dead, but the tires have air.

These are things you can only learn flying... at least, if you want to do them all in 90 minutes.
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It is certainly feasible that there is a less flattering photograph of me someplace, while, I hope, unlikely.

This is underneath the floatplane on Turner Lake. The water was 48 degrees. Loading gear into the airplane, our 'bear protection' dropped through a broken zipper, and planted barrel first in the postmordial muck eight feet below. Time for a swim.

(This is me at 7 a.m. on one crappy hour of sleep, no coffee, and my frozen nuts shrunk so far up inside me I thought it might be left to the conjecture of urban legend that they ever existed. But I got the gun, dammit.)
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Cornhole - a game the whole family can play!

I am not kidding.



Canada trip link

I got back from Canada Friday - flew the float plane into BC and camped around lakes for a few days. Caught a few trout on the fly, fed some mosquitoes, and just couldn't believe how close that kind of remote is to Seattle. It's amazing.

Instead of weighing this blog down with a bunch of photos, I created another. If you care to check out the trip: The Flying Pages