
Yes, I landed safely

The trip back was excellent. Clear, smooth, no wind. I told some customers that I was getting back Wednesday (a minor fib - I wanted a one day buffer from the crunch). Yesterday afternoon I started getting emails of two varieties: "hey - hope you had a good vacation. I hope you've got time to get started on our project." And, "We still haven't heard from you. You were supposed to be back yesterday." Guess who gets the quicker response.

Somewhere in Nevada. Whenever I see pit mines like this, I think of cars with bodies in them. Does this mean there's something wrong with me?

Rainier had this odd pressure over the top - none of the clouds actually touched. Just a black cup over the summit.

And now... I'm off to make some stuff.


On my way home

I had my meeting in Palms Springs yesterday morning, went to the airport where I Clark Kented from suit into jeans, went out to my borrowed little airplane and loaded up. Two other board member couples were there prepping their Citation jets for departure. They looked at me with some disbelief as I loaded up my plane, saying things like, "gee...that looks like real flying."

Perfect clear flight from PS to St. George, where I overnighted with friends Gordon and Shirley who wake up to this view every morning. I'm headed out now for the five hour trip home. I dreamt about my dog all night - I must be ready to be home.


our guy

Bill Richardson for President.

Pass it on.

This is our guy.

Bill Richardson. Governor of New Mexico. You'll like him.

They all suck. He just doesn't suck anywhere near as much as the rest.