
Who Wants to go to Syria?

File this under "heard it here first."

I am just terribly certain that some agency in our country is responsible for killing the former Prime Minister of Lebanon this week. It is going to propel us into conflict with Syria, part of W.'s Axis of Evil. It's what W and his posse has been after all along.

It would be absurdly heavy handed of Syria to have killed Hariri - and ten others. Stupidly obvious. All it would do is foment further anger amongst the Lebs against the Syrian occupiers. There are others who might have done it, but for the event to have happened and less than 24 hours later the US gov is pointing publicly at Syria... the theater of it is too apparent.

Whether the U.S. actually did it, or contracted with the Israelis (who wants Syria to be bitch slapped more than anyone does), or they simply paid someone else, I've just got a pretty strong feeling it was W's Anus of Evil that perpetrated the act.

This was a gateway event, done by someone other than who our government is accusing.

Mark my words...


Went to the Tacoma Glass Museum on Friday. Well worth the trip. Friend's kid Ryan had a great time... (click pic)  Posted by Hello