
KC Fried

You know what?

I don't give a shit about Katie Couric.

I adore her. She's cute. She's good at something. But for $15,000,000 per year... enough attention already.


The Wild Life

Just left the studio, and Red needed a sprint on the beach.

We went to our spot on Alki, and found this baby sea lion.

Red got scent, then strained at the leash as she realized it was catchable. Before she went Dahmer I dragged her back to the truck and I'll be hearing about it for the rest of the day.

Wild life, living wild. Summer is not over. Creatures bask, small and large.

Rowley Birkin, QC

He was vehdy vehdy drunk.

(Thanks, Alastair.)



I really don't have time for this, but I just heard W on NPR again referring to the "islamo-fascists" he's fighting.

This is a weird catch-phrase that has become core to the Republican talking points. And it's nonsense.

Fascism is a form of government, and one of the hallmarks of fascism is that it is highly centralized. There is one single leader. Not a nebulous crowd of nations of different languages and heritage, different beliefs, and different haircuts, whose only unifying trait is that they hate arrogant, stupid Texans.

Taking a scary word and applying it to something you want to make scary for everyone only works if the scary word has something to do with the object.



They have a very long pointy-bit

Irwin's gone bush.

This guy is irreplaceable.


Honestly. Shite. He was a national treasure. (Another nation, sure, but still.)
