

Though I'm barely paying attention to election '08 politics (it's way too far away to be relevant), I am taking delight in politicians putting themselves in the crosshairs right now only to be dropped like slow, proud old bucks. (Can John McCain take strong positions on any other unpopular topics? Not really. There aren't any more.)

Mitt Romney is the best looking candidate the Republicans have. He looks more like a presidential candidate than anyone else. But he's a Mormon. That he thinks the press is not going to inform the American public about what Mormonism means is reason enough for him not to be president.

Chris Hitchens is a great writer, but he went totally, entirely off the rails about four years ago. But he has written a book about religion, and a topic like this is where his fantastic acerbic dissective talents are best used. He writes about many religions, and exposes a lot.

Here's a link to his Slate piece on Mormonism. If you don't know much about Mormons, and you've got five spare minutes, read this.

Romney isn't going to be president. He may not even be in politics after people figure out what he really believes.

Link to Slate




I've not been sharing much. I'm in the 'tween time. But some details...

I have a birthday soon. I'm going to Mexico in the Glasair to go sailing for a week right after that to celebrate someone else's birthday. I'm busy with my business, but not busy enough. I'm riding the Seattle to Portland ride again this year and have not been training anywhere near enough. I'm finishing the deck on the back of my house (finally) as the days are getting warmer and drier. I hired people to mow my lawns, because I can't seem to stay on top of that task. I flew to Canada last Thursday for an overnighter at Bliss with a friend, and had relaxing fun with a Canadian view. I still haven't been to Lake Chelan to open the house for the year. Last night I dreamt that an ex-girlfriend and I were getting back together, against (most of) my will. I'm working with a friend on an invention that will revolutionize delivery of hot water. I'm tired of the city, I hate traffic, and I need some new music in my life.

My dog... she watches all this between naps.

I don't want to have another birthday.


What's in yer hole?