
Sonics - why are we listening?

The Seattle SuperSonics are holding the city to ransom right now. Pay $200 million for renovations to the Arena, or we're leaving.

The latest round came out today: commit to paying the $200 mil in the next 12 days, or we're gone.

You know what? Get the hell out of town. Go away. Continue your worst-ever losing streak somewhere else.

The Arena was renovated at your command less than ten years ago. This city is so desperately in need of repairs elsewhere, sports funding should be right up there with strip clubs (another topic this city and city council seem to spend WAY too much time talking about).

I don't know shit about sports. But I know some other things - one of which is this: negotiate from a place of strength. The Sonics have a rotten record, they have numerous players in deep, hot shit with the law, and they got the aforementioned renovation a few years back.

My advice: shut up, get some Mormons on the team, win some games, then come back and hold a gun to our head.

Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to go fix the viaduct and the schools now. But thanks for calling.


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