
Were they just bored at the NYT?

The New York Times has gone to a totally new look on their web site. New layout, new organization, new colors, new font.

It all adds up to a site that looks smooth. And is, IMHO, a disaster.

They must have spent real money on this for many months. Un-creative creative meetings. Bickering about art. Grumblings of the loss of integrity in the news business.

Monica: "Jerrod's the best web designer in the business, bar none. A genius."

Tom: "But I can't read it."

Monica: "Jerrod says this font is his favorite though."

Katherine: "I can't read it."

Monica: "You're all totally missing the point. This font is hot. You're all just blind to aesthetics."

Jim: "I can't read it."

Monica: "Whatever. We're going with this. Punch says this one's my decision. You guys just don't get it." She closes her pad. "Oh - and guys? Three button blue blazers?" She rolls her eyes. "So 2005. You should pick up a GQ now and then. Seven button...pastel. Timeless."

New York Times


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