
Yet Another Chelan Weekend

Memorial weekend at Lake Chelan. For thousands, apparently, this means jetskis, beerbeerbeerbeer, hiphop/rap, sunburns, the eternal pursuit of sins of the flesh. I'm okay with all that. But it's a massive scene for the under 22 set, and I am now not only not that set, I am double the high end of it.

Further up the lake... Chateau Marmot hosted Jon and Beth, and the Red Dog. We were vastly more civilized. Beth taught Jon to fly cast, which Jon picked up in about five minutes. (He even nailed the roll cast in about four tries. Fantastic.) The neighbors Barb and LaWanda took us out on their boat. The house is at mile 11 on the south shore; we motored up to Stehekin at the head of the lake - 55 miles from Chelan. Staggering beauty, and no jetskis. Wide open spaces, steep cliffs, mountain goats, osprey, eagles, and a mimosa.

Some photos in black and white - I'd love to say it's because I was being artistic, but in fact it was because in my haste to get a shot of a goat I pushed a special effects button on the back that made everything B&W for the rest of the day...


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