
Free Her

Just let it go.

Why can’t you just let it go?

There’s nothing left of any value for her here. And she is bringing nothing to the world. Without even walking a mile attached to her catheter, just imagine five minutes.

If anyone is in there, you simply must know she wants out of the hell she’s being kept in.

The vocal majority of people trying to keep her here are people who believe that this life is but a stopping ground on the way to the greater reward. Hasn’t she suffered enough by now to get into your heaven?

This is a still-beating heart serving a dead body. At least you, in your religious finery, better hope that’s all. Because if she has one shred of consciousness left, this is the most excruciating treatment one could sentence her to. And you do it in the name of what?

We treat our pets better than this.

Why don't you see it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

During one of my medical ethics classes years ago we visited folks in her condition (technically called a "persistent vegetative state"). I challenge anyone to go visit the folks on that ward and deduce anything more than reptile reaction.

She was once human. Now she just has the appearance of being human.

12:38 PM  

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