
We've just gotta find a better horse

Hilary Clinton can’t be president. It’s just not going to happen. There remains waaay too much Clinton-hate in the middle and right edge of this country. I know she’s legislated well and has proven herself worthy of something. But the only way she's going to be in the Oval Office is on the wall as a former President's wife.

Obama is too young. Great hot candidate right now; he’ll be shown to be too green.

And then there’s Joe Biden, who just aches to be president, and has a lot of the markings of a war horse ready for the job, yet he’s had too long a career. Too many potholes. People took notes.

Biden was first strung up for apparent plagiarism way back when (which pales, absolutely blushes, in comparison to Bush’s filthy, ruined past – nothing like lowering the bar for other future candidates, George).

I was just reading on Eschaton that Biden keeps saying something again and again. He has this record of saying, “We’ve got one last shot on Iraq to get it right.”

He said it in November of 03, May of 04, June of 05, November of 05, August of 06, and again today.

People record this shit and play it back. Republicans and Dems alike. You get painted as an apologist, someone who puts their foot down…then slides it across the floor. Someone who’s big on talk, and short on effective action.

Tall hats, shiny boots, no cattle. All talk. Joe just needs to ask the Lamest Duck President Ever what that gets you. It sure won’t get you elected in 08.


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