
The Beav

Anyone reading this who knows me can attest that I am not a sports fan. Football is a game the rules of which I didn't really get until after college. Even today I'm pretty hazy on a bunch of it, but I've got a grasp.

I surfed past Monday Night Football tonight, then back; it was the first game in the New Orleans Superdome in 14 months. The last thing of significance that happened there was housing people (living and dead - bodies were stored in the refrigerators) in the aftermath of Katrina. Like night and day as they say.

There's a football announcer named Chris Berman, who I hear is really good. I find him way too undertalented for the level of production they throw at him. Nonetheless, I hear he's a good football announcer.

I just watched him introducing the half-time show, waxing poetic about the the energy of the crowd, the spirit of the people, and the level the team has brought it up to for this important game. But you know this stuff isn't impromptu. You know he has a teleprompter.

So why don't they prep him? Why do they let him say, "joie de vivre" like it rhymes with "joy day beaver"?

He probably only studied Latin.


Blogger Chris Castanes said...

New Orleans was a fun, but terribly dirty city when I went in 1993. The concierge at the hotel told us, "If you see a street that no one is on, don't go down it." Guess what! It's not that much better now.

8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

watching football? you should have called.

11:08 PM  
Blogger S said...

Blah blah blah blah he's really working on the offense, blah blah blah those guys are giving 110%, blah blah blah its a tough defense

What is it with sports announcers anyway? It's like they have their own little language, and the only three nouns in it are "defense", "offense", and "110%".

11:12 PM  

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