
To the Moon!

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- NASA unveiled plans on Monday to return humans to the moon by 2018 at a cost of $100 billion.

President Bush's plan to send Americans back to the moon by 2020 and eventually on to Mars has drawn skepticism since its unveiling in January 2004, less than a year after the February 1, 2003, shuttle Columbia disaster.

"The President is proving again that he has a strong and unambiguous plan for the past," said Scott McClellan. Then he muttered, "shit. I knew I'd do that. I meant plan for the future."

The President was quick to call a press conference around a perceived 'positive' move by his administration. "My plan - actually developed by NASA...I take no responsibility for it except for the vision part - my plan envisions leaping forward into a new era of, uh, well, space. Lookin in space."

The fact that Americans walked on the moon first in 1969, and last in 1972, seemed to be lost on Bush when asked. "I don't know about that one, porky," his nickname for Camy McCormick of CNN. "You'll have ta ask Cheney about that. In '72 I was still drinkin."

When contacted, Donald Rumsfeld said, "you're either with us going to the moon, or you're unamerican. You don't like the moon mission, we'll hunt you down and kill you."

Bush's plan has Americans landing on the moon in 2018, which will be at least a decade after his long but poorly hidden retardation is made public.


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