
Enough politics already

My tilt toward political anger has become enough of enough already. I just read through my latest four or six weeks of stuff and it's tiresome. I'm sorry. That doesn't mean I'll stop gleefully dancing on the bruised and swollen heads of the idiots who keep traipsing by, but I really want to shift gears.

So here now, I have something new for you. Click on the story at the end of this for a summary. I did NOT get my info from this story. It just confirms a lot I've been aware of, and was reminded of today by a friend.

I was very anxious and weirdly wired for about 18 months about a flu pandemic until about four months ago. I dropped the ball (not obvious to you, because I hadn't written about it I think), and I want to pick the ball up again.

So, here we go: Avian flu was not an anomaly. It is a trend. A preview of something to come.

I believe strongly that there will be a flu pandemic in the next year...two...maybe four... that will shock the world. I base this on far too much reading of stuff that I know far too little about. But there are people - smart people - who will back me up.

Ask any infectious disease specialist, and they will shake their collective head at the lack of preparation the US government has made for a flu pandemic. It is not certain, but the drug Tamiflu shows the potential to subvert a major pandemic. You can get Tamiflu right now, just because no alarm has been put out. It should have been.

Call your doc, get the drug.

(Australia has 20 MILLION doses of Tamiflu on hand - the US has nothing - nothing - near this...and we have 12 times as many people).

The second any word is put out that a transmission has occurred - you better have a doc with some pull. Because this stuff - Tamiflu, which is the only known flu thwart - is going to get scarce.

Sorry to be so alarmist, and I may well be - history says I am - wrong. I'm cool with that. But evidence is mounting that some little bug is going to appear very suddenly and just go all Twilight Zone on us.

So click the link. Read the tip of the iceberg, then google tamiflu, and avian flu, and flu pandemic 2005, then call your doctor, and get you and your family:


A dose is $6 to $10.

I used to be so much fun! This shit keeps me awake at night though. And I'm one of your smart friends...



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